Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Combine 360 Global Training Symposium Day 3

Day 3
 Morning workout and morning lectures are over, we went over the C360 Testing today and man was it incredible.  Coach Corey, Tracy and TA held it down, explain each and every test. Learning the test showed me where I was from an integrative movement standards, I need to work on shoulder and thoracic spine mobility to increase my press squat score, the other ones I scored fairly well on, after this session was done we had a 10min break and then we had Coach TA’s son come in so we could have a practical example of the Youth Combine 360 Assessment, it was very informative and so much fun for the young athlete. After this we went back to the Hyatt for lunch and came back for our science, vision and nutrition portion of the combine 360 program. All the presenters have been great so far, speaking about the vision and visual training that we are able to do with athletes and why it is so important.  I got a chance to try out the visual training aid glasses that remove vision for certain periods of time and tried to catch a ball man was I surprised it is a completely different ball game because you have to rely on all your other sense to predict where the ball is going to be, that was amazing and I cannot wait to introduce it to all my athlete’s back at home.  The nutrition portion was more of a Q and A session where we all had a chance to ask questions about nutrition what certain elements of nutrition we can improve on and implement easier changes with our athletes and clients. After that we finished for the day and went to dinner once more and the Hyatt, and instead of mystery meat since no one was able to discern what we ate the first night they severed us roast beef and damn was it good. Todd Durkin is the man, what I can say about TD is that he is the most uplifting speaker I have ever had the chance to listen to, his demeanor makes everyone hyped up, READY FIRE AIM. When he spoke everything just started to click in my head ideas started to be born I have already wrote those down and will be introducing them when I get back.
"The way you do one thing is the way you do everything"

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