Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Combine 360 Global Training Symposium Day 3

Day 3
 Morning workout and morning lectures are over, we went over the C360 Testing today and man was it incredible.  Coach Corey, Tracy and TA held it down, explain each and every test. Learning the test showed me where I was from an integrative movement standards, I need to work on shoulder and thoracic spine mobility to increase my press squat score, the other ones I scored fairly well on, after this session was done we had a 10min break and then we had Coach TA’s son come in so we could have a practical example of the Youth Combine 360 Assessment, it was very informative and so much fun for the young athlete. After this we went back to the Hyatt for lunch and came back for our science, vision and nutrition portion of the combine 360 program. All the presenters have been great so far, speaking about the vision and visual training that we are able to do with athletes and why it is so important.  I got a chance to try out the visual training aid glasses that remove vision for certain periods of time and tried to catch a ball man was I surprised it is a completely different ball game because you have to rely on all your other sense to predict where the ball is going to be, that was amazing and I cannot wait to introduce it to all my athlete’s back at home.  The nutrition portion was more of a Q and A session where we all had a chance to ask questions about nutrition what certain elements of nutrition we can improve on and implement easier changes with our athletes and clients. After that we finished for the day and went to dinner once more and the Hyatt, and instead of mystery meat since no one was able to discern what we ate the first night they severed us roast beef and damn was it good. Todd Durkin is the man, what I can say about TD is that he is the most uplifting speaker I have ever had the chance to listen to, his demeanor makes everyone hyped up, READY FIRE AIM. When he spoke everything just started to click in my head ideas started to be born I have already wrote those down and will be introducing them when I get back.
"The way you do one thing is the way you do everything"

Monday, February 28, 2011


Day 1 Of the Combine 360 Global Training Symposium

Hi everyone this is Jason LeGree from Elite Performance Athletics let me tell you about how amazing my first day has been on this kick ass adventure. We flew out of buffalo into Sarasota last night and arrived at our hotel around 9pm. Looking around I would say that this hotel is incredible, lights everywhere, water walls, and even a waterfall in the back. Me and my friend Eric Daye of Tru Body Fitness, went out for some eats, and then back to the hotel to sleep in preparation for today. We got up early and had some breakfast, the view in the hotel room is amazing, and palm trees everywhere and a view of the bay area. Now we wait until 12 to get the bus to IMG academy’s where we will check in and start our c360 certification.  I will check back in tonight and let you know how the rest of the day went
This is Jason LeGree signing off.
Ok so day 1 is done, we had an amazing first few hours of lectures.  We started off the lectures with Brian Griffin where he introduced us to what combine 360 is all about. Brian went on to introduce another of the founders of the combine 360 and fellow Canadian Peter Twist of Twist Conditioning. Peter then went on to lecture about the combine 360 rules and Combine 360 Balance.  After that we had our first workout 6 minutes long. We had some amazing combine challenges where we tested our conditioning, strength and balance. Afterward we got our Under Armor gear, one of the instructors took me aside and gave me an additional shirt, she said I was chosen as one of the six hardest workers from the workout which really made me feel incredible. After that we left for the hotel, where we had dinner, I had a nice Tuna Steak and Steam Asparagus. Signing off now, see you tomorrow J

Day 2 530 am wake up time, workout 630.
Soooo, day 2 workout is done and it was amazing. I am learning so much from everything we do. Today again we stressed strength/balance and movement as the workout. Today is all about TRAIN TO GAIN. My favorite exercise so far has to be the ViPR Toss. I scored with a total of 30 flips in 60 seconds. It’s a strength move that’s not only challenging but incredibly fun. So we had some breakfast and then went over to the conference room and learned all about the first fast of Combine Training, Athletic Balance, expanded from yesterday. Today we did drills and progression to advance our clients and athletes to the next level. Now it’s time for lunch and some sun tanning, until next time this is Jason LeGree

Ok done lectures for the day all we have is dinner left at the IMG Country Club. I am pumped for that J. The last few lectures of the day after lunch worked on athletic movement progression and regression and how we can take out clients and athletes into these drills and increase performance, decrease risk of injury and improve all the different systems that are needed for an athlete. Everyone is an athlete and that was stressed all day and it really made me think about it, the more I thought the more it made sense, everyone wants to achieve something some goal.  This is the start of something huge, absolutely positively humongous. Listening to Peter Twist talk tonight after dinner was something that has changed my life, he talked about how we need to pick up the ball and run with it, yea that little statement and realizing the positive influences I can make for those around me really made me believe truly believe in this movement. Combine 360 is the begining of true athletic training and testing, it will become the largest part of any athlete’s life and I mean either the athlete who trains to play, trains to compete or training is their sport. Peter touched on a lot of the issues I had thought about before, how can I with such a small voice make a huge impact, and now I know that with the support of under armor and IMG academies, I WILL BE HEARD, I WILL AFFECT CHANGE AND I WILL PROTECT THIS HOUSE.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Be Your Absolute Best

Hi everyone and welcome to Elite Performance Athletics Blog, I would like to start off with why you should be your best.

Positive Attitude: This decision might be the most important. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your performance or compete in a sporting event you must have a positive attitude and determined mindset to accomplish your goals! 

When you wake up do you immediately tell yourself “I can’t wait to go to bed again?” or "I don't want to get out of bed". Or do you wake up with a motivation to Live Life. If you learn to start your day on a high note and think about how good the day will go then you are more likely to have good days. 

Instead of watching the news or reading the newspaper as the first thing you do, read or listen to something positive and motivating to start your day, I try to listen to either Eric Thomas or Les Brown. I encourage you to look either of them up. After that then I will go to the news or newspaper. You have the opportunity to have a fresh start each day. SO TAKE IT

Focus on the day ahead. You can’t do anything about yesterday and tomorrow but today can affect the future. So think and breathe positive thoughts each and every day. 

Healthy Lifestyle: If you do not have your health it is very hard to take full advantage of everything around you. Your health is so important for mental and physical wellbeing. Decide to make health, fitness and good nutrition part of your life. Do not fall into the trap of following specific diets and trendy fitness programs and products. Learn to make fitness part of your life. 

If you do not do something about it now you will eventually have to worry about it later. And unfortunately when it is later, it gets harder. If you make it a lifestyle habit now you are more likely to have a fit and healthy life later. Living healthy is a journey and when it is a habit you feel good, look good and you will take advantage of everyday. Schedule your workouts just like you would schedule a work meeting. When you are more organized and manage time more efficiently you will not be the one that makes the excuse of “I don’t have time.” Everyone can make time, you make time to watch T.V or go sit at a computer every night. So make some time to workout!

Be Your Absolute Best: Too many people settle for being average and just do what they need to do to get by. We need to strive to reach our full potential. This takes a consistent approach and hard work. 

When you are working out do you push through a few extra repetitions or do you quite when it gets tough? If you want to get results and Be Your Absolute Best you must challenge yourself physically and mentally. Do not settle. Go for the top, conquer your goals and be ready to push through. When you accomplish a specific goal, reassess and set new and higher goals. Believe that you can and strive for excellence. A very good quote from Eric Thomas that I have learned to live by is "Never Cry To Give UP!, Cry To KEEP GOING"

Thats all for now, Until Next Time
Jason LeGree
Elite Performance Athletics